SMS settings

  1. The first tab the user encounters upon entering the communication module is the SMS settings bar.
  2. Under the Buy SMS credits label, the user can choose the perfect package that suits the particular healthcare organization.
  3. Upon Clicking the Buy Button, a dialogue box appears which asks for confirming the purchase. It also alerts the user to expect a call from the Drucare support team post-purchase of the SMS package.
  4. The threshold value is the user-chosen limit for a warning. If the stock of a product falls below, let’s say, the limit of 50 (or whatever the user chooses), then a warning message is displayed in the threshold box.
  5. Right below the purchase screen is the Template Edit screen.
  6. Here the user can enter the subject of the concerned message and type the message to be conveyed to the registered/ prospective patients of the healthcare organization.

SMS settings

Note: The SMS size should be within 160 characters. If extra placeholders are used, they would be counted beyond the allowed characters per message.

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