IP Visits

  • Click on the IP Visit, here the user can see the list of the IP patients.
  • Now click on the patient’s name. Then will see the patient’s vitals on the right side. Here, three tabs will reflect current visit status, Past visit(s), and Vitals.
  • Down the screen will see four tabs: Clinical Chart, OT Request, Shift ward, and Upload.IP Visits


  • By clicking on the Clinical Chart tab, we could see the EMR screen of the IP patient. It consists of different clinical components: Examination, CPOE, eRx, Surgery, and Summary. Here users can add patient data in all components under the tabs for OP and IP.
  • In the upper left corner, the user can find two tabs: Orders, Documents, Rx list, and Flowsheet.IP Visits

Progress Notes: All the clinical components are the same as OP except the Progress Notes component. This user will add the daily progress of the patient, which is vitals, assessments, overall remarks, further plans, etc.

Summary:It will be the same as the OP summary, but we can take the discharge case print. Here we can also mention the case summary and Overall remarks and schedule the follow-up date.

  • IP- In the Discharge type drop-down, the user can see DISCHARGE SUMMARY, LAMA, DAMA, DEATH SUMMARY, DISCHARGE ON REQUEST, and select accordingly and give a discharge summary.
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