Service Recording Screen

Click on the Bill icon  

If OPD is selected:

On top of the screen, the patient details would come up

Click on the ‘RATE CARD APPLIED’ text next to the patient details to see the RC details applied to the patient.

The details will have the RC name and the services added in that RC.

Click on the ‘SHOW ALL’ text next to patient details to see the complete patient details.

On the right side of the screen, a box with ‘Invoices generated’ and ‘DUE AMOUNT’ can be seen showing the invoices generated for the patient till date and the total due against the patient along with a ‘COLLECT’ button next to it which when clicked, will lead to the due collection page. The invoices generated can only be seen by the user who has the role-based access for it.

The Department name and the Doctor name would be automatically shown on the  

Select the service button for which you want to add a service (Consultation, Lab, radiology, Clinical, Packages).

After selection of the button, select the service from the drop down

Select the required Invoice type for services – Consolidated/ Grouped/ Department wise.

– Consolidated – All the departments from which the services are billed, will be in one invoice

–  Grouped – Invoices according to the departments grouped together in the settings will come up

– Department wise – Separate invoices would be generated for every department.

Select the required Discount type for the invoices – Service level/ Department level/ Overall.

  • Service level – Discount can be given for each service separately.
  • Department level – Discount can be given departments separately.
  • Overall – Overall discount would be given for the service.

After selection of services from the list, all those services would be shown on a table on the screen.

The table would have the following columns:

  • Services (department wise) – will show the selected service name
  • Provider – my organization/external provider would be shown
  • Org code – would be shown if it was provided for the selected service in catalog
  • Department – The department to which the service belongs
  • Qty – The total quantity of the service added. It would be only available for clinical services
  • Unit price – The price for the service
  • Discount – Would be enabled if ‘SERVICE LEVEL DISCOUNT’ is selected.
  • Amount – the unit price multiplied by the quantity is the amount for the service. And this is the amount which would be included in the bill.

Below the table, we can see the entry fields for Department wise and Overall discounts to be provide. These fields would only be enabled if they are selected above the table.

Next to it, the Sub total, Discount and then the Total amount calculation from them can be seen.

Then the row with the Payment mode can be seen.

Select the payment mode.

According to the selected payment mode, the ‘BANK NUMBER’ and ‘ACCOUNT/DD/CHEQUE NUMBERS’ can be seen enabled.

Payment can be done with multiple payment modes multiple times

Payment mode would be automatically selected to be the current date

Enter the amount to be paid in ‘Amount; column.

After entering the amount. The ‘ADD’ button next to it will get enabled.

By clicking on Add button, payment can be done in multiple payment modes.

Only the amount entered in the ‘AMOUNT’ column would be charged to the patient and rest of the amount would be kept as Due against the patient’s account.

The balance due amount can be seen just below the Amount field.

Then Pay and print; button is clicked so that a OP bill cum receipt would be generated for the patient.

If the ‘CANCEL’ button is clicked, the screen will be redirected to the OPD patient list.

At the time of amount payment, if the payment mode is selected as online or UPI, then the transaction for the payment can also be entered and the transaction id should be visible in payment mode wise details, payment mode wise advance collection report, advance collection report.

If IPD is selected:


After a bed a requested for a patient with IP encounter, the patient will be allocated a bed in Ward allocation, and till then they will be visible under the ‘BED REQUESTED LIST’.

After the bed is allocated, the patient would be visible in the ‘ADMITTED’ list.

When clicked on the patient ID, the patient details would come up which would also show the ward and room details of the patient,

The columns in the patient’s list table are:

  • Patient details
  • Admission details
  • IPD number
  • Primary consultant name
  • Billing type (Cash, Credit types, All)
  • Advance amount – this column would show both, the advance amount that the paid and the amount that the insurance company has agreed to pay incase of an insurance patient.
  • Service amount
  • Balance amount – balance amount is calculated as(Advance amount + Insurance amount) – Service amount
  • Bill status
  • Actions which include:
  1. Advance payment option (Rupee icon)
  2. Service recording (Plus icon)
  3. Invoice list
  4. Encounter screen
  5. Approximate bill (for the patients for whom services have been added and pay and print has been clicked)
  6. Approve discharge (for the patients whose final bill has been done as discharge has been requested)

When clicked on the Advance payment icon, an advance payment screen will open up.

  • Select a payment mode and enter an amount and click on add and then click on Collect and print.
  • When clicked on the Advance history button, all the advances paid by the patient to date would appear.

When clicked on the service recording icon,

  • The service recording screen will appear
  • Follow the same process for service recording as that of an OP patient mentioned above
  • But here, while adding Lab and radiology services, a ‘GENERATED ORDER ID’ checkbox would come up which would be by default checked.

When to not click on Generate order ID check box?

Case1: If there are some lab/radiology services that are outsourced, then the order ID for them would not be generated in this organization because the order is being given to the outsourced lab/diagnostic center.

Case2: If there is some amount of Advance to be refunded to the patient but the organization doesn’t want to refund it. In this case, an order Id would not be generated for lab and radiology services,

  • After adding all the required services, click on the ‘SAVE’ button on the bottom.
  • After clicking on save, the approximate bill for those added services would come up.
  • Then the screen would be redirected to the IPD patient list.
  • More services can be later added to the patient and the same process has to be followed for it.
  • If the patient is an Insurance patient, click on the ‘INSURANCE CLAIM LIST’ tab
  • The list of Insurance patients would come up
  • For the particular patient, click on the edit icon under the Actions column.
  • A pop-up would come up labeled ‘Insurance claim, benefit amount and remarks’
  1. Under Claimed amount field, enter the amount that the patient wants to claim from the particular insurance company
  2. In the Insurance benefit amount field, enter the insurance amount that the insurance company has agreed to cover for the particular patient.
  3. Enter the remarks if required in the text field.
  4. Click on ‘PROCEED’.
  • In the IPD patient list, check the details of the patient
  • The Balance amount would be shown after the calculation
  • If the balance amount is in green color, then it is the amount that is to be refunded to the patient
  • If the balance amount is in red color, then that is the amount that the patient has to pay.

When clicked on the Invoice list icon:

  • An invoice list for that particular patient would open up.
  • Here, all the invoices generated against that patient can be seen by entering the from and to date or entering a bill number for seeing a particular invoice.
  • Click on the Processed button to see all the invoices generated against that patient.
  • Click on Drafts to see all the invoices which are in the draft stage because approval has not been given to them for discount/refund/cancellation.
  • Click on Due invoices, to see the invoices against which due is present.

Once all the services are recorded, to do the final billing for the patient, the nurse has to approve the discharge and the discharge has to be approved from Lab and pharmacy also. This is department wise approval and it can be seen in the ‘BILL STATUS’ column.

After the discharge is approved, the final bill icon could be seen in the actions for that particular patient in the IP patient list.

  • Click on the Final bill icon
  • Click on Pay and print button.
  • Click on Delete icon which would be seen against each service if any service has to be deleted.
  • The amount for the deleted services would be removed from the total amount to be paid by the patient.
  • Amount to be paid by the patient/refund amount to be given to the patient can be seen.
  • Click on Pay and print button to get the final bill.

After the final bill is generated, ‘APPROVE DISCHARGE’ icon could be seen in the actions for that patient in the IP patient list.

Click on the approve discharge icon

A pop-up would appear asking whether the patient has to be discharged

Click on the Discharge button

Click on the Cross to go back to the screen.