OP Casesheet

The OP Casesheet shows all the patient-related details like vitals, examination, CPOE, eRX. The user can also edit the vitals here. To edit the vitals, click ‘VITALS’ and enter the required value, then click Save. To schedule a follow-up appointment, choose a date and click save.

OP Casesheet

To download the OP Casesheet, click the UPLOAD icon. Click on three dots to access the menu. This menu will have the option to Upload documents, View EHR, templates, and End Session features.

To upload documents, select ‘UPLOAD DOCUMENT’ from the menu. Browse the file from your computer or mobile, enter the document category, upload date, report provider name, click ‘SAVE.’

OP Casesheet

To view EHR, click EHR from the menu, then click on OP Casesheet. The user will be able to see the patient’s electronic health record. Click on ‘End Session’ from the menu to end the session.

To search patients, click on the SEARCH icon.

OP Casesheet

Click ‘All’ from the dropdown to view all the appointments. To sort the appointments by month/day/week, select ‘SORT BY’ and select the desired duration.

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