Appointment Type Wise Visited Patient Details


Appointment type-wise, patient details are required to ascertain patient information based on booking an appointment.

  1. For the appointment type-wise patient details report, the user must select the registration module from the module dropdown list.
  2. The user must select Appointment Type Wise Patient Details from the reports dropdown menu.
  3. The next step is to click on the Proceed button.Appointment Type Wise Visited Patient Details
  1. Enter the From and To dates to specify the time range for which the reports have to be generated.
  2. The user can also select from a predefined set of time frames ranging from one Day to the Last three Months.
  3. Once the dates have been selected, the final step is to click on the Apply Filters button.Appointment Type Wise Visited Patient Details
  1. Once the Apply Filters button is clicked, The Apply Filters button is clicked, and the Appointment Type Wise Visited Patient Details for the desired period is displayed.

Appointment Type Wise Visited Patient Details

Appointment Type Wise Visited Patient Details