Profile Management

The profile management section can view, edit and change the organisation and user profile – select Profile from the top menu.

The profile management section will have Organisation Profile and My Profile. The organisation profile will have organisation details like specialities and departments.

Organisation Profile

Profile Management

The user can edit the specialities and departments in the organisation details screen. To do so, click on the ‘Edit’ button from the top right corner, choose the specialities and click ‘Save and Submit’ as shown in the image below

Profile Management

My Profile

My profile section can edit the user details, change passwords and change settings. Click the ‘Edit’  button, make the necessary changes, and click ‘Update’. 

Profile Management

Click ‘Create Url’ and ‘Generate’ to create the user URL, as shown in the image below. The URL created can be shared with the patients by the doctors so that the patients can directly book the appointment from the created URL. This URL will instantly take the user to the appointment booking page for that particular doctor.

Profile Management

In general, settings select landing pages from the drop-down list, select language, and click ‘Save Changes’ as shown in the image below. These landing pages will allow the user to enter the selected screen whenever the user logs in. 

Profile Management

To upload a signature, select the ‘Upload Signature’ button. Select Yes/No to make the signature shareable. If the signature is shareable, anyone can print the reports (Lab reports) with the concerned doctor’s signature. If the signature is not shareable, anyone can print the report, but the automatic signature will not be there. Only a doctor can print the report with a signature, irrespective of this option is selected or not.

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