Statutory Calendar

  • The statutory calendar is part of the application that helps list the licenses and certificates received by a healthcare organisation in chronological order.
  • It is essential to maintain a record of the certifications received.
  • The application also provides notifications regarding license expiry dates, issuing authority and other vital details.
  • The statuary calendar is a simple way to maintain a record of the licenses that the organisation has received, the certifications and patents that it has been awarded.
  • These records can be easily updated without much upheaval.
  • The statutory calendar helps maintain a record that can be used later.
  • The user has to click on Add new license.
  • The license details and the issuing authority details are here.
  • A notification can be sent on a fixed pre-chosen number of days before license/ certificate expiry.
  • Th final step is to click on Add License button below country details.

Note: The same process has to be followed for adding new agreements.

Add issuing authority details and click ‘Add New License.’