
New Dispensary Order:

This screen is for the sale of drugs for IP patients; you can search the patient, enter the salesperson/employee name, add drugs and Submit. Payment is not collected in this screen as the drugs sold to IP patients get added to the final bill, and the Payment is collected against the final bill. A print is generated by the name ‘In-Patient Dispensed Medication.’

You can also select a Drug kit; this kit can be created in Inventory and used to sell a group of drugs through this screen. After adding drugs, you can also edit or delete them from the list.


Dispensary History:

You can filter and view the history of orders, and the filter can be done by from & to dates or by Patient name or employee name (ex. Nurse name). It also displays the Order status (New/Processed) and Payment status (Paid/Pending). There is a provision to print the order receipt (IP patient pharmacy receipt) or cancel the order.


When you click on the Patient name, it redirects you to a screen where you can view the details of that particular order.


Item Returns:

You will find the history list of Item returns; you can filter either by, from & to dates, or by patient name or employee name(ex. Nurse name). There is a provision to take prints for return receipts in the Action column.


When you click on the Patient name, it gives a pop-up; here, you can view the details of that particular return order.


On clicking the New return button on the top right, it redirects you to the new return screen to search for the patient and return any drugs with a quantity less than or equal to the amount purchased. Provision to delete items is given. After adding the return items, click on the Return Item button at the bottom. It displays the message “Data successfully saved.”


Patient list- Dispensary:

You can view the list of IP patients with their discharge and approval status on this screen.


When you click on the Patient name, it redirects you to a detailed screen, where you can view the details of that particular order. Click “Show all” it gives a pop-up with more patient details.


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