
There is a provision in the Pharmacy Store screen to switch between various stores by clicking the “Switch Store” button; it throws a pop-up where you can select the required store and click on Proceed; this will redirect you to that particular store. Inventory screen.



Inventory denotes store inventory, whether IPD, OPD, or Department store. Drugs here are listed based on your store selection and the current stock in that particular store inventory. 


Click here for more inventory details

Indent Request:

This screen displays the indent history list with Pending, Processed, or Added to Inventory. You can delete/cancel the indent request until the status is “Pending” once the Order is processed; then, the delete icon is disabled.


Once the Order status is Processed, you can click on the Indent number; it will redirect you to the details screen, where you can set the location for the items and click on the convert to inventory button. Once this is done, the items are added to the store inventory, and the status changes to “Added to Inventory.”


You can raise a New indent request by clicking on the “New Indent Request” button to redirect you to the following screen. Here you can add drugs with the required quantity and click on create indent request button.


CS Returns:

This screen displays the return history list to the Center store with the status as Pending or Processed. You can delete/cancel the return request until the status is “Pending” once the Order is processed; then, the delete icon is disabled.


Once the Order status is Processed, you can click on the Return reference number; it will throw a pop-up where you can view the details along wi the current status of your return request.


You can raise a New return request by clicking on the “Return Item” button; it will redirect you to the following screen. Here, you can add drugs with the required return quantity and click on the “Return Item” button to raise a return request to the Center store. 


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