Warehouse List

On this screen, you can find a list of existing Warehouse. You can view basic details like Warehouse name, contact numbers and Address along with Edit and Delete provision.

Warehouse list 

On the top right of the screen, we can find a Create Warehouse button, Onclick a pop-up comes up where you can enter the details and save.  

Once you are done creating a warehouse, you will find it displayed in the list. Below the name of Warehouse, you will find a line “Please ‘CLICK HERE’ to create storage space”. This redirects to a screen where you can create storage spaces. Warehouse storage space is divided into 3 sections with the following hierarchy. 

Warehouse creation tree

  • Alleys – While creating the storage spaces the first thing you come across is Alleys. You need to click the ‘create storage space’ button to create an Alley, a pop comes up where you need to give a name to the Allay, the number of storage spaces, suffix and the range starting from then click Generate. Alleys get created and will be displayed on the screen with the name and suffix you have given. To edit or delete the Alley click the check box adjacent to Allay name and then the edit and delete icon gets enabled.  
  • Shelves – Within the Alley, we can create shelves, for creating shelves you need to click on the Allay name it gets selected and create storage space button gets enabled and follow the same flow to create the shelves, when you click on generate shelves get created within that Allay. To edit or delete the shelve click the check box adjacent to the shelve name and then the edit and delete icon gets enabled. 
  • Racks – Within the Shelve, we can create Racks. Follow the same flow for creating the racks.  

Warehouse creation

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