Medical Billing Settings

  1. Number settings

– The number generation settings, if set once, cannot be edited again.

– Three types of invoices can be seen:

  1. Consolidated Invoice: This invoice has all the available departments as a part of it.

  2. Grouped invoice: Multiple invoices can be brought together to create a group.

To do this, click on ‘Add new group’ and drag and drop the departments from one group to another and click on the save button.

  1. Department wise: There would be different prints for different invoices if selected.

– Under ‘Invoice numbering sequence’ two options can be seen:

  1. Continuous: A single invoice number sequence would be set, which would be continued throughout the departments.

After entering the date format and the Invoice sequence, click on the ‘Save’ button on the bottom.

  1. Type wise sequence: Different invoice sequence can be entered for different departments and groups.

After entering the required data, click on the ‘Save’ button.

2. General Settings

– Select the types of Discount which needs to be available for invoices at the time of billing.

– Select the type of Approval needed for invoices at the type of Discount/ Cancellation/ Refund.

Click on the Save button

3. Room settings

Medical Billing Settings

– In this screen, under the label ‘How do you count the stay of a patient in the hospital,’ select either one of the options, i.e., ’24hrs from the time of admission’ or At midnight every day.

– In this screen, under the label ‘How do you count the stay of a patient in the hospital,’ select either one of the options, i.e., ’24hrs from the time of admission’ or At midnight every day
Select the Ward type from the drop-down
– Select the Ward name from the drop-down
– Select the room type(s) from the drop-down
– Select the grace period you want to give for the selected room(s)
– Select the Half-rate period if required
– If the half-rate period is not set for any room type, the full rate will be applied after the grace period.
– Click on the ‘Add to table’ label
– Click on the ‘Save’ button

4. Insurance and Corporates

Medical Billing Settings

A. Insurance

Almost all the major Insurance companies in India are listed on the screen.
– Select one of the Insurance companies
– On the right side of the list, an empty screen with the ‘Add details’ button would be present
– Click on the Add details button.
– In the ‘Add Insurance provider details’ pop-up, enter all the necessary details
– After entering all the details, click on Add details button or else click on the Cross to go back to the screen.
– After adding the details, Click on Healthcare plans and MOU’s to enter the healthcare plans and their sub plans and variants. MOUs can be uploaded against each one by clicking on the upload icon. Each plan/ sub-plan/ variant can also be deleted by clicking on the delete icon
– Click on the Duplicate label to duplicate that specific provider’s detail into another branch.
– When clicked on the same option, a pop-up will appear where the branches have to be selected.
-Click on the Save button.

Medical Billing Settings

Medical Billing Settings

B. Corporates

– Click on the ‘Add new Corporate’ button to add the corporate details.
– After entering all the details, click on Add details button or else click on the Cross to go back to the screen.
– After adding the details, Click on Healthcare plans and MOUs to enter the healthcare plans and their sub-plans and variants. MOUs can be uploaded against each one by clicking on the upload icon. Each plan/ sub-plan/ variant can also be deleted by clicking on the delete icon
– Click on the Duplicate label to duplicate that specific provider’s detail into another branch.
– When clicked on the duplicate option, a pop-up will appear where the branches have to be selected.
– Click on the Save button.

C. Guarantor

– Click on the ‘Add new Guarantor’ button to add the corporate details.
– After entering all the details, click on Add details button or else click on the Cross to go back to the screen.
– Click on ‘Create Guarantor.’
– Healthcare plans won’t be available for a Guarantor.

5. Limits and Approvals

A. Discount

– Click on the Discount button
– Click on the Consultation button and select ‘Discount by doctors’
– Select a service from the drop-down
– Against every doctor, enter the discount percentage and the alert type.
– Click on save changes
– Click on the ‘Discount by others’ tab.
– Enter the Discount limit under the ‘Discount limit’ column
– Under the ‘Applicable to’ column, select the users and their roles
– Select the Alert type.
– Click on Add
-Then, click on the ‘Save changes button.

B. Refund

– Click on the ‘Refund’ button
– If the refund settings are to be made the same as the Discount settings, click on the check box saying ‘Settings same as in Discount settings.’
– Else, click on the Consultation button
– Enter details under ‘Refund by doctors’ and ‘Refund by others tab.’
– Click on the ‘Save changes button.

C. Cancellation

– Click on Create Rule button on the right side of the screen.
– Select the Cancellation type – Amount would be selected by default.
– Enter the condition
– Enter the cancellation amount
– Click on the Arrow icon to enter one more condition
– Click on the Redo icon to clear the entered fields
– If multiple conditions are added, click on the delete icon to delete the extra conditions
– If there are multiple conditions, select from the field’s drop-down, which says ‘whichever is higher/lower.
– Then select the Approving authority from the drop-down and the Alert type
– Then, select the departments on which the condition and the approving authorities would be applicable
– Enter a name for the rule
– Enter the rule description.
– Click on Create button.
– The screen will appear with the rule created.
Every rule will have an edit option and a delete option.
Note: If there are no rules and approval settings set here, there would be no approval process for Discount, refund, and cancellation.
Medical Billing Settings

Medical Billing Settings

6. Patient Referral

Select the referral type from the drop-down, enter the other non-mandatory fields if required, and click on the ‘Add referral’ button.
– That particular referral detail would be added to the referral table.
Each referral detail row would have an Edit option to edit the details and a Delete option to delete that row.

7. Doctor commission

8. Patient Health card

See also

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