The number generation settings if set once, cannot be edited again
– Three types of invoices can be seen:
Consolidated Invoice: this invoice has all the available departments as a part of it.
Grouped invoice: In this, multiple invoices can be brought together to create a group.
To do this, click on ‘Add new group’ and drag and drop the departments from one group to another and click on save button.
Department wise: If selected, there would be different prints for different invoices.
– Under ‘Invoice numbering sequence’ two options can be seen:
Continuous: A single invoice number sequence would be set which would be continued throughout the departments.
After entering the date format and the Invoice sequence, click on the ‘Save’ button on the bottom.
Type wise sequence: Here, different invoice sequence can be entered for different departments and groups.
After the required data is entered, click on the ‘Save’ button.