Where to look if the Drucare Style Guide doesn't answer your question


Where to look if the Drucare Style Guide doesn’t answer your question

The following resources provide information about industry standards in technical communication and writing best practices. Use these references secondarily to the Drucare Style Guide.

Style guides

The Drucare Style Guide covers issues specific to Drucare docs, but standards for grammar, spelling, and style are extensively covered in technical documentation references as well as general writing guides.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for in the Drucare Style Guide, refer to these reference materials:

Style issue Resource
Technical documentation style issues Google Developer Documentation Style Guide


Microsoft Writing Style Guide

Grammar and punctuation for nontechnical terms The Chicago Manual of Style


Spelling, definitions, and capitalization Merriam-Webster Dictionary


Writing references

The following references can enhance your writing and your understanding of best practices in technical communications:

Writing reference Publication date What’s good about it
Every Page is Page One by Mark Baker and the Every Page is Page One website 2013 A resource with an accompanying blog, EPPO outlines the philosophy that the Drucare docs team subscribes to when architecting and developing information for Drucare customers.
Developing Quality Technical Information, IBM Press 2014 Best practices for developing docs in regard to accuracy, clarity, completeness, concreteness, organization, retrievability, style, task orientation, and visual effectiveness.
The Global English Style Guide: Writing Clear Translatable Documentation for a Global Market by John R. Kohl 2008 Guidelines for creating content that is ready for localization and translation.