Example names and domains


If you need to create a fictitious name, email address, domain name, phone number, or IP address in your docs, create an example that adheres to the following guidance.


If you need a fictitious name for an example in your docs, use a name that’s sensitive to culture, religious affiliation, holidays, traditions, politics, and business. Make sure that the name you create reflects the wide range of names used around the world.

Don’t use a fictional character that’s currently in copyright, your own name, or the name of friends or family members as an example name.

See the following examples of names that meet this guidance:

  • Alex Martin
  • Claudia Garcia
  • Celestino Paulo
  • David Mayer
  • Ikraam Rahat
  • Maria Dubois
  • Nyah Aamadu
  • Rutherford Sullivan
  • Vanya Patel
  • Wei Zhang

Email addresses

If you need a fictitious email address for an example in your docs, use a name that follows the guidance in the Names section. Never use your own name, or the name of friends or family members, in an example email address.

Use Buttercup Games, a fictitious online store created by Drucare, as the email domain.

See the following examples:

  • info@buttercupgames.com
  • buttercup@buttercupgames.com
  • alex@buttercupgames.com
  • claudia@buttercupgames.com
  • celestino@buttercupgames.com
  • david@buttercupgames.com
  • ikraam@buttercupgames.com
  • maria@buttercupgames.com
  • nyah@buttercupgames.com
  • rutherford@buttercupgames.com
  • vanya@buttercupgames.com
  • wei@buttercupgames.com

In cases where it doesn’t make sense to use Buttercup Games as the email domain, use the @example.com suffix.

Domain names

If you need a fictitious domain name for an example in your docs, use a URL from the domain example.com, such as http://www.example.dru.care.

In cases where it doesn’t make sense to use Drucare in the URL, you can use http://www.example.com. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) set aside this domain specifically for documentation needs.

Phone numbers

If you need a fictitious phone number for an example in your docs, use a North American phone number in the range +1-800-555-0000 through +1-800-555-9999. The North America Numbering Plan set aside this range of phone numbers to use in examples and in fiction.

Never use a real phone number as a phone number example.

IP addresses

If you need a fictitious IPv6 address for an example in your docs, use an IP address in the following range:

  • 2001:db8::/32

If you need a fictitious IPv4 address for an example in your docs, use an IP address in one of the following ranges:

  • to
  • to
  • to

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) set aside these blocks of addresses specifically for documentation needs.