

There are two kinds of slashes: the backslash and the forward slash.

Backslash ( \ )

Windows operating systems use backslashes in URL and URI paths. See file path in the Usage dictionary for examples of paths in the different operating systems.

Backslashes are also used in code.

Forward slash ( / )

A forward slash has multiple meanings:

  • It can be a path divider for *nix operating systems. See file path in the Usage dictionary for examples of paths in the different operating systems.
  • It can mean “and”, “divide by”, “or”, “per”, or “with”. In most cases, use the word you intend instead of a slash. You can use the forward slash when you write about read, write, and delete permissions.
Linux or Windows.
All registration information is written to and stored in the database.
An 8 CPU, 16 GB memory machine can achieve 50-60 Mb per second throughput.
Add read/write permissions for all users.
Linux and/or Windows.
All registration information is written to/stored in the database.
An 8 CPU, 16 GB memory machine can achieve 50-60 Mb/second throughput.