This screen displays a list of items in the Inventory with the following details and also provide a search option with each column.
- S.No
- Name/Number
- Barcode
- Batch No
- Location
- Expiry date
- PPP (Pieces per pack)
- Quantity
- UOM (Unit of measurement)
- Purchase cost
- RRP (Recommended retail price)
- Actions: Here user can view, edit, delete and view Package details/Unpack.
Above the list of items, a ‘Search’ bar has been given to search the item either by ‘Item name’ or ‘Item number’.
Followed by that, buttons are provided for the barcode.
- Generate barcode: This gets enabled only if the barcode is added while entering the item in the Inventory. On click, it generates a barcode and gives a print.
- Barcode settings: User can set up Barcode name, label, margin, template.
Above these buttons, Alert hints are given with
- Red as Expired
- Yellow as Low stock
- Orange as near to expiry
These hints show up beside the checkbox when an item gets alert.
At the top right a button “Pack Items” is displayed, clicking on this will redirect to a screen where items can be packed. Give package name (Package can be created in Settings> Package creation), enter the batch number, enter selected qty.
Defined pack qty * No. of packages = select quantity (should not be > available qty)
Click on the Pack button. In the same way, you can Unpack the items as well.