Day wise admission report


The day-wise admission report displays the number of admissions to the healthcare organisation on a particular day during the selected period of time.

  1. The user has to click on the Ward module from the dropdown in the Modules column.
  2. The user than has to click Day Wise Admission Report and click on the Proceed button.

Day wise admission report

  1. Once the Proceed button is clicked, the daily admission report generation asks for specific dates to be selected on the next screen in the From and To dates.

Day wise admission report

  1. The Employee Name who has registered the particular patient has to be entered in the Employee Name text box.

Day wise admission report

  1. These dates can be adjusted manually, or a prefixed option can be selected from Today, One Week, Last Week, 1 Month, Last Month, Three Months and Last Three Months.
  2. Once the Apply Filters Button is clicked, the daily admission report for the selected period is displayed.

Day wise admission report